If there are no further issues, full privileges will be restored automatically after the 2-week period. If you get a second strike within the same 90-day period as your first strike, you will not be allowed to post content for 2 weeks. Send viewers from a live stream to a Premiere or send viewers from a Premiere to a live streamįull privileges will be restored automatically after the 1-week period, but your strike will remain on your channel for 90 days.Add or remove playlists from the watch page using the “Save” button.Create, edit, or add collaborators to playlists.Create custom thumbnails or Community posts.Upload videos, live streams, or stories.This strike means you will not be allowed to do the following for 1 week: If we find your content doesn’t follow our policies for a second time, you'll get a strike.
If you think we made a mistake, you can appeal the warning. Sometimes a single case of severe abuse will result in channel termination without warning. The next time your content is found to violate the Community Guidelines you'll get a strike. Note that you’ll only be warned once, and this warning will remain on your channel. We understand mistakes happen and you don’t mean to violate our policies - that’s why the first violation is typically only a warning. If your content violates our Community Guidelines, here’s how it affects your channel: Warning
For example, a first-party privacy complaint or a court order.
If your content violates our Community Guidelines, your channel will be issued a strike.Ĭontent may be removed for reasons other than Community Guidelines violations.
If you're looking for info about copyright strikes, which are different from Community Guidelines strikes, go to our copyright strike basics.Ĭommunity Guidelines are the rules of the road for how to behave on YouTube. This article is about Community Guidelines strikes.